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Keene Valley Congregational Church
United Church of Christ


Sunday worship begins at 10:00 am and is followed by a coffee hour. Our worship is non-credal, full of music, and hopefully speaks to your mind, body and soul. Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month and is open to everyone without exception.
Baptisms are usually performed during a Sunday morning service for children or adults. We baptize in a trinitarian formula and your baptism is recognized by the vast majority of Christian denominations.
We have two forms of membership; Standard for those who make this region their home and "Shared" for those holding membership in another congregation. Contact our Minister for more information.
We invite non-members to use our Sanctuary and Minister for your wedding. You may also bring in a celebrant upon approval by our minister. To request wedding information and fees please contact our office.
We make our Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall available for non-member funerals and memorials using our Minister or another of your choice. For information and fee schedule please contact our office.
We make our buildings available for public use for concerts, plays, speakers, workshops, potlucks, family celebrations and meetings. Contact our office for details including calendar availability and building use fees/policies.
Use this form to contact us about building usage.
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